Calvary Food Pantry
On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, we turn our parking lot into a drive-up food pantry for our community from 5:30-6:30pm. Calvary provides food for approximately120 needy local families twice a month, and have prayer ministers on hand to pray with our guests as well. Anyone in need is welcomed to come and receive food, and there is no preregistration process.

Warm Heart
Calvary Southbury operates Warm Heart Coffee Company, a coffee roasting venture that provides funds for our well building projects in Malawi and Mozambique. We operate Warm Heart right out of our church Cafe (which houses our commercial coffee roaster!), and all of the coffee you drink on Sunday is our own coffee roasted by the dedicated coffee roasters of Warm Heart!

Connect Groups
Our Connect Groups (you may know them as “small groups”) are our main way of helping people connect with each other and grow in our faith together. We know change happens as we gather together, encouraging, loving and getting to know one another. We have groups of people meeting most days of the week with different focuses, such as studying the Bible and learning how to pray more effectively. Other groups take the form of studies of different Christian books, and we have special groups for young adults and single women. Our groups meet in Southbury and many of the surrounding towns. There is a group for you! Click Here to Find a Group for You

Calvary Southbury has always been a church that puts a strong emphasis on international missions. As a church, we give 20% of our operational budget to support global and local missions. We have been serving in Malawi and Mozambique for over 15 years. Over 300 churches have been planted and each day over 200 orphans and widows are fed at our two feeding centers with Calvary’s leadership & assistance. We also support missions work in Nicaragua, Hungary, Argentina, Serbia, and locally in Pennsylvania.

GriefShare is a 13-week Christian-based program designed to help people face the challenges of losing a loved one or friend. It is a friendly and safe place for people to walk alongside each other through one of life’s most difficult experiences, so you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. The group is confidential and all group members have the option of going through the full 13 week program again if they wish.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a powerful, Christian 12-step program designed to allow us to become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. By working through the eight recovery principles found in the Beatitudes with Jesus Christ as your Higher Power, you can and will change! Through applying the biblical principles of conviction, conversion, surrender, confession, restitution, prayer, quiet time, witnessing and helping one another, which are found within the eight principles and the Christ-centered 12-steps, you will restore and develop deeper relationships with others and God. Meetings are at 7pm every Monday at the church and are open to everyone. Men and Women’s groups meet separately, and the groups are confidential.

Tricord Men's Ministry
Our men’s ministry, Tricord, is a great connecting point and resource for men look to meet other brother’s in Christ, grow in their faith and knowledge of the Bible, and get involved in serving within the church and our community. Our Men’s Connect Group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the church, and is open to all men!

Fuse & Ignite Youth
Ignite Youth is a welcoming program at Calvary Southbury that is designed for students grades 6-8 (Fuse) and 9-12 (Ignite). Our program meets every Sunday morning at 11:00 am, and every Wednesday night at 7:00pm. We believe the Bible is a powerful tool for transformation and growth, and teenage years are a crucial time for growth and discovery, so we’re committed to supporting our youth on their journey. At Ignite we provide a safe and welcoming space where teens can share their thoughts, feelings, and questions, as they explore adulthood and the Word of God. But our youth programs aren’t all serious study and reflection. Teenagers also need to have fun and connect with one another, which is why we incorporate game nights, collaborative activities, and unique Bible studies, so there is always something fresh and exciting happening! Click Here to Learn More

Kindle Kids
Kindle Kids is an exciting, fun and energetic ministry for Children between the ages of infancy to 5th grade. We follow the 252 Orange curriculum, and we teach different virtues and themes on a monthly basis. The children are divided into small groups, according to their ages, beginning with Pre-K. They are taught about the different stories of the Bible along with fun and engaging activities to reiterate what the story was about. They are given a monthly Bible verse that they are encouraged to memorize each month. We also celebrate monthly birthdays on the last Sunday of the month, as well as other fun holiday parties and activities. The children in Kindle Kids are very engaged and always leave with a BIG smile on their faces. Click Here to Learn More

The Grove
The Grove, Calvary’s Young Adults Ministry, provides a setting for people aged 18-30 to gather, study the Bible, and discuss their walks with Jesus. We meet on the first and third Fridays of every month from 6:30-8:30 PM.